so you need a little extra guidance

You've probably picked your venue at this point, you've started your to-do lists and you're realizing that although you have some specifics in mind that you don't really know what to do or how to do it. 

Partial-Planning is a great service for those who are "do-ers" and would like a planner to help guide the process along. A great benefit to this popular package is that you will receive tailored vendor recommendations based on budget, style and preference. Say "Adios!" to menial and time consuming research! Let me give you a hand!


Partial Planning FAQ's

How often do we get together?

This package consists of 3 in-person consultations as well as 3 additional meetings with vendors that you are considering to bring on to your wedding day team.

Why is it beneficial to have you with us at vendor meetings and look over invoices for us?

While working together, I want to make sure that all of our opportunities are maximized. Its easy to be over-sold or even UNDER sold on wedding-day specifics. By having some guidance, I can ensure we have enough coverage hours with your photographer, the right kind of lighting package and that we solidify your rentals JUST as they should be!


Starting at $3500. Additional meetings and design consultations available.

Wanna get some more specifics on Partial Planning Services? Click Below!